These demonstrations go beyond the content of the course. I don't necessarily expect you to understand all that is going on in these snippets of code. But I show them to you so you see what sorts of things can be implemented by manipulating the Fourier coefficients.
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, fft2, ifft2, fftshift, ifftshift
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import ndimage, misc
from scipy.signal import gaussian
from IPython.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:98% !important; }</style>"))
np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=30, linewidth=250,
formatter=dict(float=lambda x: "% .4f" % x))
def Gaussian2D(dims, std):
Creates an array containing a 2-D Gaussian function, with mean
at mu, and standard deviation std.
dims is a 2-vector containing the number of rows and columns
std is the standard deviation
nr, nc = dims
rr, cc = np.mgrid[0:nr,0:nc]
ctr = GetCentre(rr)
temp1 = rr - ctr[0]
temp2 = cc - ctr[1]
temp1 = np.exp(-temp1**2/std)
temp2 = np.exp(-temp2**2/std)
blah = temp1*temp2
return blah/sum(blah.flatten())
def GetCentre(f):
return np.array(np.floor(np.array(np.shape(f))/2.), dtype=int)
# If f is real-valued...
f = np.random.random(8)
[ 0.4483 0.8407 0.0003 0.7059 0.0499 0.9091 0.3707 0.2379]
# Fourier coefs will be cojugate symmetric
F = np.fft.fft(f)
print(F[2], F[-2])
[ 3.56264689+0.j 0.01917726+0.08782488j 0.12722956-0.8059954j 0.77776864-0.65306241j -1.8244074 +0.j 0.77776864+0.65306241j 0.12722956+0.8059954j 0.01917726-0.08782488j] (0.12722956459780244-0.8059953973209955j) (0.12722956459780244+0.8059953973209955j)
rr, cc = np.mgrid[-128:128, -128:128]
d = np.sqrt(rr**2 + cc**2)
circle = np.zeros([256,256])
circle_mask = d<15
circle[circle_mask] = 1.
circle = ifftshift(circle)
circle[0:22,0:5] = 1.
plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.imshow(fftshift(circle), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('on'); plt.title('g, Shifted');
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.imshow(circle, cmap='gray'); plt.axis('on'); plt.title('g, Unshifted');
# Create an image with just a few non-zero pixels.
f = np.zeros([256,256])
f[50,100] = 1.0
f[48,110] = 2.
plt.imshow(f, cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off'); plt.title('f');
g = ifft2( fft2(f) * fft2(circle))
plt.imshow(abs(g), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off');
plt.title(r'$(f \ast g)$');
f = plt.imread('images/pd.jpg')
f = f[:,:,0]
plt.imshow(f, cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off'); plt.title('An image f');
g = ifft2( fft2(f) * fft2(circle))
plt.imshow(abs(g), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off');
plt.title('g convolved with the image');
# Make and edge detector
g = Gaussian2D([256,256], 20)
G = ifftshift( fft2(fftshift(g)) )
ramp = np.outer(range(256), range(256)) - 128**2
H = G * ramp*1.j
circle = np.real( ifft2( fftshift(H) ) )
plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.imshow(fftshift(circle), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off'); plt.title('Edge Kernel (Shifted)');
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.imshow(circle, cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off'); plt.title('Edge Kernel (Unshifted)');
plt.imshow(np.imag(H), cmap='gray');
plt.title('Imaginary part of the DFT of the kernel (shifted)');
f = plt.imread('images/pd.jpg')
f = f[:,:,0]
F = fftshift( fft2( f ) )
plt.imshow(np.log(abs(F)+1), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off'); plt.title('Shifted DFT (log-modulus)');
plt.imshow(f, cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off');
g = fftshift( ifft2( fft2(ifftshift(f)) * fft2(circle)) )
G = fftshift(fft2(ifftshift(g)))
plt.imshow(np.abs(G), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off')
plt.title('DFT(Edge Kernel) x DFT(Image)');
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.imshow(abs(g), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off');
plt.title('Edge Kernel convolved with image');
thresh = 10
rows, cols = np.shape(f)
ctr = np.floor(np.array(np.shape(f))/2) +1
rr, cc = np.mgrid[-ctr[0]:(rows-ctr[0]),
def PlotFiltImg(F, filt):
F_filt = (filt)*F
f_filt = ifft2( fftshift(F_filt) )
plt.subplot(2,2,1); plt.imshow(f, cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off');
plt.subplot(2,2,3); plt.imshow(np.log(abs(F)+1), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off');
plt.subplot(2,2,4); plt.imshow(np.log(abs(F_filt)+1), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off');
plt.subplot(2,2,2); plt.imshow(np.real(f_filt), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off');
filt_mask = abs(cc)<thresh
filt = np.zeros(np.shape(F))
filt[filt_mask] = 1.0
PlotFiltImg(F, filt)
filt_mask = abs(rr)<thresh
filt = np.zeros(np.shape(F))
filt[filt_mask] = 1.0
PlotFiltImg(F, filt)
filt_mask = np.sqrt(rr**2 + cc**2)<thresh
filt = np.zeros(np.shape(F))
filt[filt_mask] = 1.0
PlotFiltImg(F, filt)
# Make and edge detector
g = Gaussian2D([256,256], 5)
G = ifftshift( fft2(fftshift(g)) )
# ramp = np.outer(range(256), np.ones(256)) - 128**2
# Hv = G * ramp*1.j
# ramp = np.outer(np.ones(256), range(256)) - 128**2
# Hh = G * ramp*1.j
Applying that filter in the frequency domain is the same as convolving the image with the kernel below, attained by taking the IDFT of the filter kernel.
Filt = fftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(filt)))
plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.imshow(filt, cmap='gray'); plt.title('DFT of filter'); plt.axis('off')
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.imshow(np.log(abs(Filt)+1), cmap='gray'); plt.axis('off'); plt.title('Spatial filter');
You can scale an image using the DFT by padding in cropping in the two domains (time/space, and frequency).
f = plt.imread('images/pd.jpg')
f = f[:,:,0]
# We will magnify an image by padding its DFT coefficients, and then cropping the image
# that results from the IDFT of those padded coefs.
scale_factor = 1.5
padamt = int(rows*(scale_factor-1.)/2.)
G = np.pad(fftshift(fft2(f)), (padamt,), mode='constant')
g512 = ifft2( ifftshift(G) )
if padamt!=0:
g = g512[padamt:-padamt,padamt:-padamt]
g = g512
plt.imshow(f, cmap='gray'); plt.title('Original')
plt.imshow(np.real(g), cmap='gray'); plt.title('Scaled x'+str(scale_factor));
You can shift an image by adding a linear 'ramp' to the phase portion of its DFT coefficients.
dr = 44
dc = 12
ramp = -2.*np.pi*1j*(cc*dc + rr*dr)/rows
ramp = np.roll(np.roll(ramp,-1, axis=0),-1, axis=1)
wave = np.exp(ramp)
plt.subplot(1,2,1); plt.imshow(np.real(wave))
plt.subplot(1,2,2); plt.imshow(np.imag(ramp))
plt.title('Ramp in imaginary part');
# Make sure the centre pixel of the ramp has a phase of zero.
ctr = int(np.floor(256/2))
print('This should be zero -> '+str(ramp[ctr,ctr]))
print('This is the DC of our image -> '+str(F[ctr,ctr])) # This should be the DC of our image.
This should be zero -> -0j This is the DC of our image -> (2491737+0j)
G = wave * fftshift(fft2(f))
g = ifft2(ifftshift(G))
plt.imshow(f, cmap='gray'); plt.title('Original')
plt.imshow(np.real(g), cmap='gray');
plt.title('Shifted (down,right)=('+str(dr)+','+str(dc)+')');
You can detect a shift between two similar images by looking for a ramp in their phase difference. Or, you can take that phase difference and take the IDFT of it, and look for a spike. The offset of the spike from the origin gives the relative shift.
g = ndimage.shift(f,[dr,dc]) + np.random.normal(0.0, 5, size=np.shape(f))
G = fft2(g)
F = fft2(f)
H = G/F
plt.imshow(np.real(fftshift(H)), cmap='gray', vmin=-4, vmax=4);
h = ifft2(H)
plt.imshow(np.real(h), cmap='gray');
# Where does that lonely pixel occur?
coords = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(np.real(h)), h.shape)
print('Bright pixel at '+str(coords))
print('True shift was '+str((dr,dc)))
Bright pixel at (44, 12) True shift was (44, 12)
You can also rotate an image by simply applying the same rotation to the frequency domain.
theta = 30
f = plt.imread('images/pd.jpg')
f = np.array(f[:,:,0], dtype=float)
padamt = int(rows/2)
#padamt = 0
# If we pad the image first, it makes the frequency domain smoother.
ff = f
ff = np.pad(f, (padamt,), mode='constant')
FF = fftshift( fft2( ifftshift(ff) ) )
# Apply rotation to the Fourier coefficients
Gr = ndimage.rotate(np.real(FF), theta, reshape=False, order=1)
Gi = ndimage.rotate(np.imag(FF), theta, reshape=False, order=1)
G = Gr + 1j*Gi
g = fftshift( ifft2( ifftshift(G) ) )
if padamt!=0:
g = g[padamt:-padamt,padamt:-padamt]
plt.imshow(f, cmap='gray'); plt.title('Original'); plt.axis('off')
plt.imshow(np.real(g), cmap='gray');
plt.title('Rotated by '+str(theta)+' degrees'); plt.axis('off');
The Fourier projection theorem is the basis for reconstruction in Computed Tomography (CT) scans.
f = plt.imread('images/ct.jpg')
f1 = np.array(f[:,:,0], dtype=float)
plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,10))
plt.title('CT image')
px = np.sum(f1,axis=0)
plt.plot(px); plt.title('Projection')
F = fftshift(fft2(f1))
Fnice = np.log(abs(F)+1)
plt.title('2D-DFT, and slice')
ctr = GetCentre(F)
Fx = F[ctr[0],:]
plt.plot([1,254],[128,128], 'r--')
plt.plot(np.log(abs(Fx)+1), 'r')
plt.axis('tight'); plt.ylabel('log modulus')
Px = fftshift( np.fft.fft(px) )
plt.plot(np.log(abs(Px)+1), 'b--');
plt.legend(['Slice through 2D-DFT', '1D-DFT of Projection'])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1907d49d0>