Purpose: This demo illustrates the theorem for the piecewise-constant (Heaviside block) basis.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def f(x):
return np.sin(2.*np.pi*x) + x**2 + 2.*(np.exp(-30.*(x-0.6)**2) - np.exp(-30.*((x-0.6)/3.)**2))
xx = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
plt.plot(xx, f(xx));
b = np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)
[0. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9]
v = f(b)
[-0.60234762 -0.270305 -0.16577643 -0.3061689 -0.40017296 -0.20279576 -0.22778525 -0.91385228 -1.45901473 -1.12501067]
# A piecewise constant function
def _G(x, v, b):
g = v[0]
idx = 1
while idx<len(b) and x>b[idx]:
g = v[idx]
idx +=1
return g
def G(x, v, b):
y = G(x, v, b)
Samples the piecewise constant function defined by the
values in v at breakpoints in b.
x array of x-values
v array of constant piece values
b array of breakpoints (the left of each piece)
Note: len(v)=len(b)
val = [_G(y, v, b) for y in x]
return np.array(val)
b = np.linspace(0,1,10)
plt.plot(xx, f(xx))
plt.plot(xx, G(xx, f(b), b), 'r');
plt.plot(b, f(b), 'ko')
max_diff = np.max(abs(G(xx, f(b), b)-f(xx)))
plt.title('Max error = '+str(max_diff));
b = np.linspace(0,1,40)
plt.plot(xx, f(xx))
plt.plot(xx, G(xx, f(b), b), 'r');
max_diff = np.max(abs(G(xx, f(b), b)-f(xx)))
plt.title('Max error = '+str(max_diff));
This method chooses the width of the pieces to guarantee error is less than $\varepsilon$.
def find_interval(f, x, eps):
delta = find_interval(f, x, eps)
Find the step delta s.t.
| f(x) - f(x+delta) | < eps
delta = 1.
v = f(x)
err = np.max(np.abs(v-f(np.linspace(x, x+delta, 100))))
while err >= eps:
delta *= 0.98
err = np.max(np.abs(v-f(np.linspace(x, x+delta, 100))))
return delta
def build_approx(f, domain, eps):
v, b = build_approx(f, domain, eps)
Find a piecewise constant approximation to f that is
within eps of f at all points.
x = domain[0] # left side
b = [x]
v = [f(x)]
while x<domain[1]:
b.append(b[-1]+find_interval(f, x, eps))
x = b[-1]
b[-1] = domain[1]
v[-1] = f(b[-1])
return v, b
eps = 0.1
v, b = build_approx(f, [-1, 1], eps)
print(f'{len(b)} pieces')
72 pieces
plt.plot(xx, f(xx))
plt.plot(xx, G(xx, v, b), 'r');
plt.fill_between(xx, G(xx, v, b)-eps, G(xx, v, b)+eps, color=(1,0,0,0.1))
#plt.plot(xx, G(xx, v, b)+eps, color=(1,0,0,0.2));
#plt.plot(xx, G(xx, v, b)-eps, color=(1,0,0,0.2));
max_diff = np.max(abs(G(xx, v, b)-f(xx)))
plt.title('Max error = '+str(max_diff));
xx = np.linspace(-1,1,5000)
inv_cubic = (lambda x: np.sign(x)*abs(x)**(1./3))
plt.plot(xx, inv_cubic(xx), 'r');
eps = 0.1
v, b = build_approx(inv_cubic, [xx[0], xx[-1]], eps)
print(f'{len(b)} pieces')
22 pieces
plt.plot(xx, inv_cubic(xx))
plt.plot(xx, G(xx, v, b), 'r');
plt.fill_between(xx, G(xx, v, b)-eps, G(xx, v, b)+eps, color=(1,0,0,0.1))
max_diff = np.max(abs(G(xx, v, b)-inv_cubic(xx)))
plt.title('Max error = '+str(max_diff));
plt.hist(abs(np.diff(b)), bins=10);
plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta x$'); plt.ylabel('Frequency');
def logistic(x, w, b):
g = 1./(1.+np.exp(w*(b-np.array(x))))
return g
xx = np.linspace(0, 1, 400)
plt.plot(xx, logistic(xx, 10, 0.4));
N = 10
A = np.zeros([len(xx), N])
for idx in range(N):
b = np.random.random()
w = np.random.random()*20 - 10.
A[:, idx] = logistic(xx, w, b)
plt.plot(xx, A);
plt.plot(xx, f(xx));
c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, f(xx), rcond=-1)[0]
f_est = A @ c
f_diag = A @ np.diag(c)
plt.plot(xx, f(xx), '--', lw=3);
plt.plot(xx, f_est,);
plt.legend(['Original', 'Logistic Fit']);
array([-7.88271672e+02, 7.41624011e+03, 5.59652611e+01, -3.90384194e+02, 6.49213904e+02, -1.83925862e+02, 5.17678449e+04, -5.19717314e+04, 8.24069068e+00, -1.87412486e+02])